Gender Equality

Lack of access to education and job opportunities is one of the main consequences of gender inequality. Likewise, physical and sexual violence: according to the United Nations, 1 in 3 women has suffered sexual violence, mainly from their intimate partner, and Latin America has the highest rates of femicide, with 2,600 cases per year.

Our intervention model has a component of education in reproductive rights and sexual and reproductive health services; and part of the psychosocial care we offer focuses on the prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation, and the activation of care routes in case of threat or violation. In sum, our beneficiaries raise their self-esteem, develop their resilience, and appropriate their rights and exercise them.

On the other hand, we promote the right of young women to education. In a World Bank study, it was concluded that each year of secondary education correlates with an 18% increase in the ability to earn income for girls in the future. That is why we urge adolescents to finish their secondary education and we offer them different technical careers, according to the specific needs of the labor markets of the cities in which we operate. The acquisition of higher educational levels and the promotion of their integration into the formal labor market, ensures their economic autonomy and greater female participation in the country’s work forces and financial services.

Finally, we carry out psychoeducational interventions with their family members and intimate partners, with the aim of fighting against social prejudices, reaffirming the role of women in development, promoting values ​​such as peace, tolerance and non-discrimination, and respect for gender equity.

Our actions are oriented to goals 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 of the GENDER EQUALITY Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).

We have transformed the reality of more than

250,000 people