Panama City

In 2015, the Voces Vitales Foundation opened the doors of Las Claras Center in Panama City, in the community of Felipillo. Our 360 Degrees Model was adapted to the local context to address the problem of teenage pregnancy in the country.

  • 20% of the population lives below the poverty line.
  • 1 of every 5 live births is to an adolescent.
  • Every 43 minutes, a teenager becomes pregnant. A significant percentage of those cases correspond to sexual abuse, early or forced illegal unions, or ignorance.
  • Teenage pregnancies represent 36% of pregnancies nationwide.
  • 75% of pregnant teenagers drop out of school.
  • 1 in 5 woman has experienced violence.

Source: Voces Vitales Foundation.


For more information about the Voces Vitales Foundation, please visit

Panama City

In 2015, the Voces Vitales Foundation opened the doors of the Las Claras Center in Panama City, in the community of Felipillo. Our 360 Degree Model was adapted to the local context to address the problem of teenage pregnancy in the country.

  • 20% of the population lives below the poverty line.
  • 1 in 5 live births is the son of a girl or a teenager.
  • Every 43 minutes, a teenager becomes pregnant. A significant percentage of cases, as a result of sexual abuse, early or forced illegal unions, or ignorance.
  • Teen pregnancies represent 36% of pregnancies nationwide.
  • 75% of pregnant adolescents leave the school system.
  • 1 in 5 women have experienced violence.

Source: Voices Vital Foundation.

For more information about the Las Claras Center, go to

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